massage in schools programme


The Massage in Schools Programme

Is a peer massage programme for children aged between 4-12 (with adaptations for 2-3 year olds) which is helping children all over the world.

The vision of the Massage In Schools Association is that every child attending school experience positive and nurturing touch every day…everywhere in the world.

How does it work?

As a trained Massage in Schools Instructor

I can come to your school for  approximately 5-6 weeks and within this timescale I will teach pupils and teachers the Massage in Schools Programme.

MISP is not intended as a therapy

rather it aims to promote the wellbeing of children in the knowledge that nurturing touch is a basic need and a powerful tool to help children develop into healthy, well-balanced human beings.

It has been developed as

an inclusive whole school strategy for reducing children’s stress levels, aggression and bullying, and can also be implemented in other childcare settings such as nurseries, after school clubs, community groups and families.

It has been unequivocally proven through research studies that regular nurturing touch is a developmental need in children.

The details

As a trained Massage in Schools Instructor

I can come to your school or establishment and spend 45 minutes in each class for approximately 5-6 weeks. Within this timescale I will teach all children and adults how to implement the full Massage in Schools Programme. Following this training the aim will then be for classes and groups to incorporate 10/15 minutes of massage into each day for massage and/or touch games.

proven effects of the Massage in Schools Programme

Targetting the need

Effects of Massage in Schools Programme

– Improved concentration levels
– Calmer classrooms
– Increase in children’s self-esteem and confidence
– Increase in creativity
– Reduction in bullying and aggression
– Overall increase in emotional health and well-being
– Greater social awareness

The Massage in Schools programme links extremely well to many aspects of Health and Wellbeing framework of the Curriculum for Excellence.